Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Pi Day!! (a little early!)

As only true math geeks can appreciate, March 14th is Pi Day! After a few years of teaching middle school math, I am used to a full blown celebration for this holiday, complete with pies and all sorts of other goodies. In addition to all the fun and food, we also used the day to truly explore and celebrate Pi. While there are several great video clips available that pertain to Pi, but there are also many other fun sites that celebrate this fun number. In the spirit on the holiday, I'd like to share a few links I've received lately.

Please post a comment if you know of any others that math teachers can use with their students or math geeks can use to celebrate the festive day! --- make sure your speakers are on! (Thanks, Joy!!)

Washington Post article about Pi Day. (Thanks, Dad!)

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