Monday, February 28, 2022

Removing Rotten Apples

It’s time to talk about a tough topic in education and principaling. Removing rotten apples. AKA the principal’s responsibility ensure poor teachers do not stay in the classroom or profession.

One of the hardest parts of being a principal is dealing with ineffective, poorly behaved teachers. The paperwork, the politics, the emotional impact. Ugh. 

And, honestly few principals are trained for it and most were decent, compliant educators before becoming a principal. It’s HARD to sit across the table from a misbehaving or poorly performing employee. And there are rules, laws, and consequences to holding employees accountable. Not to mention the toll it takes on you since your heart is likely designed to help people.

But it’s needed. In fact it’s unethical to NOT take action. One rotten spoils the group. You’ve seen it with fruit, but it’s true with humans too. One person who is negative, mean, spiteful, unethical, corrupt, unwilling to work with certain kids, or simply unable to teach effectively etc does so much damage to children, teammates, schools, communities of teachers, novice teachers, and the profession.

Principals, do the hard work. Protect your students, your school, our profession. Be ethical. Be fair. Provide support, clear expectations, and opportunities to grow and change. But don’t allow poison to take root in your school. Even in a teacher shortage. 

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