Monday, August 27, 2012

Reframing the 1st day of school

My sister and her family live in Germany.  Everything happens 6 hours earlier there.

So, this morning, I woke up ready for the first day of school.  But, to be honest, that certain special level of excitement was missing.  I didn't necessarily notice its absence, until.... I checked my email before I got out of bed and saw my nieces and nephews posing for their annual first day of school photos and I remembered just how excited our students are for the first day.

I thought about this all day long as I greeted each student to our school this year and visited classrooms to start the year off of a great note.

The important part of setting aside all of the preparation, worry, and work of launching a new school year is remembering that our students, no matter how young, start today wondering how their year is going to go.  They may wonder:

  • Will my teacher like me?
  • Will my teacher help me make friends?
  • Will my teacher pick on me?
  • Will my teacher see how hard I try?
It really is all about them!  

Happy 1st day!

Quick afterthought... Saw a tweet by Joshua Starr, Superintendent of MCPS, asking if our students really forget the rules and need to spend the first day reviewing them every year....  Good question...  Definitely something to think about.  Maybe some of this is setting the tone, establishing boundaries, but how necessary is it?

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