A few years back, I engaged in a professional development at school and one of my amazing Global Studies teachers led us through an excerise where we identifyed our passion, our mission, and our purpose and I loved the visual and process. I googled some images to refresh myself on the specifics of it and found a few variations of it (see below).
I feel like I'm finally living this now. I've found my purpose--- it inclues what I LOVE (education), what I'm good at (Gallip Strengths Finders assessment top 5, below), and what the world needs (education reform; supporting students, teachers, principals, schools, districts, and creating innovation in education). And... well, it feels so good to live in your passion and purpose. AKA Zone of Genius.

To be fair, I've always worked in my field of passion, my calling: education. I've had so many wonderful and unique roles, experiences and opportunities in the past two decades and I'd suggest some of those were me operating in my Zone of Excellence. This is a step beyond. I'm in my Zone of Genius. My brain is on fire, I'm juggling so many things and I love them all. It fills my bucket and keeps breeding more and more ideas, connections, and fullfillment.
The great news is that one of my strengths and passions is helping others find their Zone of Genius and connecting them to resources, opporutnies, and experiences that help them grow into their Zone of Genius (or Excellence, or Competence).
This brings me to my Gallup Strengths Finders Survey results. For years, I've taken assessments and I've gotten results that were a literal mixed bag... a little bit of this, some of that, a little more of these and not those. Like the Myers Briggs. But I always felt my results would be different on a different day and I know I changed over time-- I felt being a princpal changed some of my MO and how I saw and interacted the the world. For example, I always said I went from wanting/liking/aiming to living in a black and white world, to living in shades of grey because of being a princpal (doling out discipline is not as clear cut as it may seem on the outside as various points of view definitley have merit to consider and understand). I also became way more extroverted (though still likly an introvert at heart).
Back to Gallup. Take a look at my results:
So, I took this assessment back in 2019. I didn't expect much. I got the top five list and the summary, and then comprehensive report and I was stunned. THAT IS ME. It makes sense. Those are certainly things I do! I have always collected THINGS--- articles, books, (dogs?!). I like to be busy/productive, I like to focue on making me better, I am strategic yet innovative, I like to connect with others and connect others to others, and I love ideas... big ideas, little ideas, novel ideas and new ideas. This is me.
With all this in mind, this year I've had time to think and learn, to mentor and grow, to try new things, and to live in my strengths without distraction. It has been soooooo cool. And, so incredibily fulfilling. And I found my ZONE OF GENIUS. I am tapping into what I am good at every single day.
I say all this to say, if you haven't found your zone of genius, if you feel like you are spinning your wheels in a different zone, if you are longing to live in your calling area, your passion that fulfills your purpose and your mission--- THE WORLD NEEDS YOU. It's time to take the big leap. It's time of reflect and determine your zone of genius and to take aciton to live there.
AND--- I'm launching a 5-series, in person workshop in late March to help IGNITE your idea/passion and LAUNCH it! Stay tuned for more info! Email or message me if you want to be on the list to know about it when details are announced this week.
PS Remember, I apolize for typos, brain works fast, fingers type fast, but not always fast enough!